Remedial / Relaxation Massage 30 Minutes


A shorter massage for those in a hurry, or that would just like a specific area treated.

Remedial Massage is a style of massage for the general tight spots. Allows for flexibility, therefore preventing injury. The optimal treatment for releasing tired, overworked muscles as well as maintenance for your general well being.


Remedial Massage

Remedial / Relaxation massage is the systematic assessment and treatment of the muscles, tendons, ligaments and connective tissues of the body to assist in rehabilitation, pain and injury management, relaxation and general well being.

It’s performed to create favourable conditions for the body to return to normal health after injury and is defined by the premise that the treatment can reasonably reverse certain physical effects a patient may be presenting. If a patient has suffered a moderate injury resulting in structural pain and/or loss of function, then remediation is required to reduce or eliminate pain and restore that function. Remedial massage is designed to balance muscle/soft tissue length, tension, tone which will in turn promote the return to normal joint/capsular/bone position; increase the flow of blood and lymph, particularly in the injured areas, thus removing blockages, damaged cells, scar tissue and adhesions resulting from injury.
It uses relevant techniques, oils and movements according to the client’s needs and response. This leads to the healing process, which begins at the cellular level aiding soft tissues in repairing, restoring functional integrity and adapting back to health.

A remedial therapist must have knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology to determine where to treat patients. Their services must be based on best practice principles and before any remedial massage treatment begins, a thorough patient consultation and assessment is to be performed to ascertain the patient’s current health status. If the patient is suitable for remedial massage and relying on the patient’s feedback to identify the areas that require attention, the therapist can then apply the relevant and appropriate treatment.

Some common conditions that can be successfully treated are: Achilles Tendon, Tendinitis, Shin Splints, Groin Strain, Cartilage damage, Tennis Elbow, Frozen Shoulder, Hamstring Injuries, Plantar Fascistic, Scar tissue, Adhesions, Whiplash, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and Repetitive Strain Injury.

Remedial Massage can also be used to treat general muscle soreness from over exertion.
Massage is the ideal stress reliever as it helps relax the nervous system leaving you re-balanced, refreshed and better able to cope with our busy and stressful lifestyles.

The benefits of massage are many, here are just a few:

Relaxation, great for stress and tension
Helps with headaches and insomnia
Back and Shoulder Pain, Lower Back & Sciatic Pain
Sports or Chronic Injuries
Hip & Back Pain in Pregnancy
Arthritis, many forms of arthritis respond
well to massage.
Increases circulation of blood and lymph.
Reduces toxins and excess fluids
Reduces adhesions in soft tissue
Helps restore metabolic balance to the body


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